This time round I decided that all that cutting and pasting of form tags into the php page (and their layout) was a waste of time so I created a couple of database tables to tell the template which fields to include. So given the form name the template creates the rest of the page.

$sql="select form_caption, update_file, ok_function, validate_function
  from schema_forms
  where form_name = '$FormName';
select field_name, field_type, field_caption, span_name, needs_validation, can_hide, select_sql, allow_blank, 
	block_numbers, allow_decimal, allow_negative
  from schema_form_fields
  where form_name = '$FormName'
  order by field_number;";
if (!isset($link)) {
if (!mysqli_multi_query($link,$sql)) {
	echo "<p>" . mysqli_error($link) . ". Unable to load property list.</p>";
else {
	do {
        	if ($result = mysqli_store_result($link)) {
			$finfo = mysqli_fetch_field($result);
			if ($finfo->name=="form_caption") {
				$row=mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_BOTH);
			} else {			
				<p class="popuptitle"><?=$FormCaption?></p>
				<form name="<?=$FormName?>">
				<input name="UpdateFile" value="<?=$UpdateFile?>" type="hidden"/>
				<table class="popuptable">
				while ($row=mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_BOTH)) {
					if ($FieldType!="Hidden") {
						echo "<tr>\n";
						echo "<td class=\"popuptable\">\n";
						if ($CanHide=="Y") {
							echo "<span id=\"$SpanCaptionName\">";
						echo $FieldCaption;
						if ($CanHide=="Y") {
							echo "</span>";
						if ($NeedsValidation=="Y") {
							echo "<span id=\"$SpanName\"></span>";
						echo "</td>\n";
						echo "<td class=\"popuptable\">\n";
						if ($CanHide=="Y") {
							echo "<span id=\"$SpanInputName\">";
					switch ($FieldType) {
					case 'Hidden':
						echo "<input name=\"$FieldName\" value=\"".$$FieldName."\" type=\"hidden\"/>";
					case 'Text':
						echo "<input class=\"popmeinput\" size=\"15\" name=\"$FieldName\" value=\"".$$FieldName."\" type=\"text\"";
						if ($NeedsValidation=="Y") {
							echo " onKeyup=\"$ValidateFunction();\" onblur=\"$ValidateFunction();\"";
						if ($BlockNumbers=="Y") {
							echo " onKeyPress=\"return blockNonNumbers(this, event, $AllowDecimal, $AllowNegative);\"";
						echo "/>";
					case 'Textarea':
						echo "<textarea class=\"popmeinput\" name=\"$FieldName\"";
						if ($NeedsValidation=="Y") {
							echo " onKeyup=\"$ValidateFunction();\" onblur=\"$ValidateFunction();\"";
						echo ">".$$FieldName."</textarea>";
					case 'Password':
						echo "<input class=\"popmeinput\" size=\"15\" name=\"$FieldName\" value=\"".$$FieldName."\" type=\"password\"";
						if ($NeedsValidation=="Y") {
							echo " onKeyup=\"$ValidateFunction();\" onblur=\"$ValidateFunction();\"";
						echo "/>";
					case 'Date':
						echo "<input class=\"popmeinput\" size=\"1\" name=\"$FieldNameD\" value=\"".$$FieldNameD."\" type=\"text\"";
						if ($NeedsValidation=="Y") {
							echo " onKeyup=\"$ValidateFunction();\" onblur=\"$ValidateFunction();\"";
						echo "/>";
						echo "<select class=\"popmeinput\" name=\"$FieldNameM\"";
						if ($NeedsValidation=="Y") {
							echo " onChange=\"$ValidateFunction();\" onBlur=\"$ValidateFunction();\"";
						echo ">\n";
						echo "<option value=\"\"></option>\n";
						for ($i=1; $i<=12;$i++) {
							if ($i==$$FieldNameM) {
							} else {
							echo "<option $Selected value=\"$i\">";
							echo date("M",mktime(0,0,0,$i,1,2000));
							echo "</option>\n";
						echo "</select>";
						echo "<input class=\"popmeinput\" size=\"2\" name=\"$FieldNameY\" value=\"".$$FieldNameY."\" type=\"text\"";
						if ($NeedsValidation=="Y") {
							echo " onKeyup=\"$ValidateFunction();\" onblur=\"$ValidateFunction();\"";
						echo "/>";
					case 'Select':
						echo "<select class=\"popmeinput\" name=\"$FieldName\"";
						if ($NeedsValidation=="Y") {
							echo " onChange=\"$ValidateFunction();\" onBlur=\"$ValidateFunction();\"";
						echo ">\n";
						if ($AllowBlank=="Y") {
							echo "<option></option>\n";
						if (!isset($link2)) {
						if (mysqli_multi_query($link2,$SelectSql)) {
							do {
						        	if ($result2 = mysqli_store_result($link2)) {
									while ($row2=mysqli_fetch_array($result2, MYSQLI_BOTH)) {
										if (isset($row2[1])) {
											if ($ExistingFieldID==$$FieldName) {
											else {
										} else {
											if ($ExistingFieldName==$$FieldName) {
											else {
										echo "<option $Selected $ExistingFieldID>$ExistingFieldName</option>\n";
							} while (mysqli_next_result($link2));
						echo "</select>";
					if ($FieldType!="Hidden") {
						if ($CanHide=="Y") {
							echo "</span>";
						echo "</td>\n";
						echo "</tr>\n";
					<td class="popuptable">
					<span id="aOK"><a class="popuptable" href="#" onclick="<?=$OKFunction?>">OK</a></span>
				<form name="OnloadForm">
				<input name="OnloadFunction" value="<?=$ValidateFunction?>();" type="hidden"/>
	} while (mysqli_next_result($link));

Then he tells me that there was probably a tool out there that would have done it for me! So then you just need to set the variable $FormName, include this file and write the appropriate Javascript validation function. I Ajax the lot into a floating box in the middle of the screen (pretending to be a modal dialogue box).